Robert H.P. Engels - short CV Robert is a project and peer reviewer/referent in a variety of EU projects, several international conferences on AI, Knowledge Engineering and Acquisition, Data Mining & Business Intelligence as well as conferences and workshops on Knowledge Management. Besides being a member of the board in several companies, he owns ESIS Norge AS, a consultancy company specialised on product conceptualisation and implementation for Semantic (Web) Technology. Acting as an international expert, he is reviewer on European IST research projects. He is consultant for several R&D institutions, f.ex. Trondheim Polytechnic (NTNU), Norway and the Western Norwegian Research Institute. He has been a guest lecturer at the BI in Oslo (Norwegian School of Management), Høgskolen i Narvik and the Norwegian Polytechnic for Information Technology (NITH) and coordinates international student exchange (cooperating with the Universities of Amsterdam, Netherlands and Karlsruhe, Germany). He also teached primary school level at the Dutch School in Oslo (NTC). Before starting ESIS Norge, Robert Engels was employed at CognIT a.s (Norway). Presenter at various national- and international conferences and events, ranging from academic (Int. Semantic Web Conference, ICML, ECML, AAAI, etc.) to commercial initiatives (Semantic Days in Oil&Gas, Dutch Microsoft Office Days, etc.). |
projects On several occassions Robert Engels was responsible for (nationally and EU-funded) research projects. Being active in EU initiatives for many years, he has extensive experience in acquiring of and participation in projects. In addition he is engaged by the EU commission as an FPx Expert for reviewing proposals and projects.
(co-) organiser of:
Publications & Scientific Work Author and co-author of a number of scientific and popular publications on machine learning and AI. Supervisor, reviewer/sensor and opponent on 50+ MSc and PhD theses at European Universities and Polytechs on topics like Statistics, Case Based Reasoning, Inductive Logic Programming, Genetic Algorithms, Logic, Semantic Web Technology, etc. Some publications: R. Engels. Open and coordinated access to digital cultural heritage. Advices for a succesful presence in the digital kultural world. "Ă…pen og samordnet tilgang til kulturarven. Anbefalinger for en velykket tilstedeværelse i den digitale kulturelle verden"). (in Norwegian). A 2010 report for the Digital Cultural Heritage sector ordered by the Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority. ABM-Utvikling 2010. Freely distributed. R. Engels and D. Norheim. Tying it all together: Inter-operable Topic-Centred Information Portals. (click here for full, non-published version) In: Bizer, Chr. and Joshi, A.. (Eds). Proceedings of the Poster and Demonstration Session at the 7th International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2008). Karlsruhe, Germany, October 28, 2008, Wileys, UK. R. Engels and T. Ch. Lech. Generating Ontologies for the Semantic Web: OntoBuilder In: J. Davies, D. Fensel and F. van Harmelen (Eds). Towards the Semantic Web: Ontology-Driven Knowledge Management., Wileys, UK. D. Fensel, F. van Harmelen, Y. Ding, M. Klein, H. Akkermans, J. Broekstra, A. Kampman, J. van der Meer, Y. Sure, R. Studer, U. Krohn, J. Davies, R. Engels, V. Iosif, A. Kiryakov, T. Lau, and U. Reimer. On-To-Knowledge: Semantic Web Enabled Knowledge Management IEEE Computer. R.Engels and B.A. Bremdal.CORPORUM: A Workbench for the Semantic Web. Semantic Web Mining workshop. PKDD/ECML – 01. Freiburg, Germany, 2001. |
R. Engels. ICT solutions for support of life-long learning scenarios. 13th ENCoDe conference, Halden, Norway, 5-7 July 2001. Y. Ding, R. Engels and D. Fensel. IR and AI: Using co-occurrence theory to generate specific domain (light-weight) ontologies. IJCAI, 2001. R.Engels and B. A. Bremdal. Information Extraction: State-of-the-Art Report. Deliverable of the EU 5th framework project OntoKnowledge (IST-1999-10132), 2000. R. R. Jones, B. A. Bremdal, Ch. Spaggiari, F. Johansen and R. Engels. Knowledge Management through Content Interpretation. AISC2000, September 21th-22th, Hong Kong, China, 2000. |
D. Fensel, F. van Harmelen, H. Akkermans, M. Klein, J. Broekstra, C. Fluyt, J. van der Meer, H.-P. Schnurr, R. Studer, J. Davies, J. Hughes, U. Krohn, R. Engels, B. Bremdahl, F. Ygge, U. Reimer, and I. Horrocks. OnToKnowledge: Ontology-based Tools for Knowledge Management. In Proceedings of the eBusiness and eWork 2000 (EMMSEC 2000) Conference, Madrid, Spain. B. A. Bremdal, F. Johansen, Ch. Spaggiari, R. Engels and R. Jones. Creating a Learning Organisation Through Content Based Document Management, CognIT a.s white paper, 1999. R.Engels. Component-Based User Guidance in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining. PhD thesis. Dissertationen zur Künstlichen Intelligenz,Band 211. 1999. ISBN: 9781586031145. R.Engels and Ch.Theusinger: Using a Data Metric for Offering Preprocessing Advice in Data Mining Applications. 13th European Conference on Artificial Intelligence '98, Brighton, UK, August 23-28th, 430-434, 1998. |
R.Engels and Ch.Theusinger: Support for Data Transformation in Machine Learning Applications. In: C. Giraud-Carrier and M. Hilario (Eds.). ECML'98 Workshop Notes - Upgrading Learning to the Meta-Level: Model Selection and Data Transformation, Technical Report CSR-98-02, Fakultät für Informatik, Technische Universität Chemnitz, April 1998. R. Engels, B. Evans, J. Herrmann and F. Verdenius (Eds.): Proceedings of the workshop on Machine Learning Application in the real world; Methodological Aspects and Implications. Nashville, TN, July 12th, 1997. F. Verdenius and R. Engels:A Process Model for Developing Inductive Applications. In: Proceedings of the Seventh Belgian-Dutch Conference on Machine Learning , Tilburg, NL, 119-128, 1997. |
R. Engels, G. Lindner and R. Studer: A Guided Tour through the Data Mining Jungle. (kdd 97 Version (4 pages) or (full version, I prefer this one!) In: Proceedings of the 3nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD-97), August 14 -17, Newport Beach, CA. 1997. R. Engels, G. Lindner and R. Studer: Providing User Support for Developing Knowledge Discovery Applications; A Midterm report. In: S. Wrobel (Ed.) Themenheft der Künstliche Intelligenz, (1) March, 1998. R. Engels, G. Lindner and R. Studer: Benutzerunterstützung für Wissensentdeckung in Datenbanken. Appeared in: Ch. Nakhaeizadeh: Data Mining: Theoretische Aspekte und Anwendungen. Reihe: Beiträge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik, ISBN 3-7908-1053-3. Physica-Verlag, Berlin. This book is in German (cf. book evaluation). 1998. |
R. Wirth, C. Shearer, U. Grimmer, Th. Reinartz, J. Schlösser, Chr. Breitner, R. Engels, and G. Lindner. In: Towards Process-Oriented Tool Support for KDD Proceedings of the 1st European Symposium on Principles of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery , 243-253, June 1997, Trondheim, Norway. 1997 R. Engels:Planning tasks for Knowledge Discovery in Databases; Performing Task-Oriented User-Guidance. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD'96), August 2 - 4, Portland, Oregon. 1996 R. Engels and R. Perkuhn:Describing and Integrating Competence Theories for Problem Solving Components and Machine Learning Algorithms. In: Position Paper Collection of the European Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (EKAW '96), Matlock Bath, U.K., May 14 - 17, 1996. R.Engels: Högdalenverket: Applying ILP in an Industrial Setting. In: Proceedings of the Fifth Scandinavian Conference on Artificial Intelligence SCAI '95 (Trondheim, Norway, May 29-31), 401-405, 1995. A long version of this paper is published at the Intelligent Adaptive Systems Workshop IAS-95, Melbourne-beach, Florida (1995). |